Our Services

Coastal HealthCare System Services

How We Help You

Gastrostomy Care

We provide expert care for patients with feeding tubes, ensuring proper nutrition and hydration.
Pediatric Care Coastal healt

Pediatric Care

We specialize in pediatric care, offering services designed to meet the unique needs of children.

NG Tube Care

Our nurses provide meticulous care for patients with nasogastric (NG) tubes, ensuring proper placement, maintenance, and feeding.

Oxygen Therapy

We offer oxygen therapy for patients, including children with respiratory conditions.

Nebulizer Treatment

Effective respiratory therapy for children with asthma or other breathing difficulties.

Tracheostomy Care

Specialized care for patients with a surgically created airway, including suctioning, monitoring, and education for optimal respiratory function and comfort.

Enteral Feeding and Care

Comprehensive care for patients requiring enteral feeding through tubes placed in the nose, stomach, or small intestine.


Dedicated care for patients with abdominal openings, ensuring proper management to prevent infections and complications.

General Home Health

Our team provides compassionate general home health services to ensure your child receives the care they deserve in the comfort of familiar surroundings.

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